Comedian Mark Matusof  (R.I.P. 2/24/25)

Ma-tu-sof (ma-tu-sof) n. 1. A comedian based in Washington D.C. who has been described in the press as: “funny without being vulgar or nasty” and “going the smarter, hipper direction to the joke”.   

2. Natural habitat: Clubs, colleges, corporate events, country clubs, and cruise ships. Sightings include: “Night Shift”, CNBC’s America’s Talking Network, XM Satellite Radio and the nationally syndicated “Bob and Tom” radio show. Opening act for a CBS David Copperfield special.

3. Diet: Material ranging from his immigrant family to the aggravations of modern life, current events and the fragility of the male ego. A little music tossed for dessert!

– Syn. 1. One who misuses the mandolin for fun and/or profit.

[Prob. Slavic – Former aerospace engineer fast becoming a favorite entertainer across North America from Las Vegas to the Bahamas. His comedy is clever, thoughtful, and most importantly, hilarious!

What is Summit Comedy, Inc.?

Summit Comedy was formed many moons ago in 1998 by Chuck Johnson, current owner/President.  Chuck Johnson entered the comedy business the day after graduating from Appalachian State University in 1995 where he booked all of the live music and comedy for the university’s club “Legends”.  His first job post college?… of comedian Carrot Top’s college agents and booking agent for the comedy club chain The Comedy Zone.  His second job?…..well, in 1998 he formed Summit Comedy, Inc. and he and his team of amazing agents has turned it into one of the Nation’s Largest suppliers of Stand-up Comedy & Comedy Entertainment for Colleges/Universities, Corporate Events, Country Clubs, Cruise ships, Clubs & beyond.

Why Summit Comedy, Inc.?

Well, it’s simple…..we know comedy, it’s what we do….it’s in our name!  We want your business, but we won’t compromise our integrity just to ring up a sale.  Ask around, or ask us for references of previous customers….Heck, you can even see some of our google reviews RIGHT HERE.  We stand behind our comedians 100% and can’t wait to add you as a client for your next event, and for many years to come!